Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Eau de Frankfurt

This building looks more like a bottle of perfume than a skyscraper…

Monday, 28 September 2009

Hidden flowers

These flowers too are nice, aren’t they?
They seem to prefer living hidden under those leaves instead of enjoying the few sun we have here…

But once again, don’t ask me what it is… I have no idea!

One thing is sure: they seem to like apples as they look like diving to eat them.

Thursday, 24 September 2009


Summer is over: flowers are not that fresh anymore and petals fall down on the ground…
But don’t worry, I still have some summer pictures in my files and I’ll publish them soon.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009


Who said our vine did not give us grapes?
Of course there is a strange creature eating most of them, but this is another story…

Friday, 18 September 2009


Funny isn’t it? The two leaves behind this sunflower seem to tell us the time… But is it really surprising from a flower that simply follows the sun?

Wednesday, 16 September 2009


Νικόλας with… what is the name of the green Barbapapa?

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Sweet tiles

Ελένη who thinks the ground is more comfortable than the sofa…
and surely more comfortable than the plastic chairs outside as she looked much happier on the 1st picture.

Or maybe she just wanted to play with Νικόλα’s diabolo
Playing? Or meditating with the wooden stick above her head?

Monday, 14 September 2009

Έχουν Περάσει Χρόνοι Δέκα

My niece who has not realised yet that she is 10 years old!
Sitting on her old baby chair and writing on her old blackboard…

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Babette: 10 χρωνὠν

Today is my niece’s birthday: she is already 10 years old…
Happy birthday to her!!!
Last night we had a small party to celebrate: here are a few pictures.
I’ll post some other picture of children in the next days.

Monday, 7 September 2009

Sun vs clouds

During the storm
And just after it. Or when the the storm left that part of the sky and went further east

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Το σ' αγαπώ που βρήκαμε

Cette autre chanson du duo Ηλίας Κατσούλης - Παντελής Θαλασσινός a été interprétée en duo par Παντελή Θαλασσινό et Δέσποινα Ολυμπίου, chanteuse chypriote qui avait participé aux concerts de Παντελή et au double CD live: Απ' Την Τήλο Ως Τη Θράκη.
Elle n’a malheureusement pas chanté que des chefs d’oeuvres par la suite…
Το σ' αγαπώ που βρήκαμε

Το σ'αγαπώ στου σεντονιού
την άκρη κεντημένο
και στο τραγούδι τ'αηδονιού
ήταν βαθιά κρυμμένο.

Εμείς το πρωτοβρήκαμε,
γι'αυτό το μοιραστήκαμε,
θεός το είχε στείλει
στα μάτια και στα χείλη.

Το σ'αγαπώ στου φεγγαριού
ταξίδευε τους δρόμους
στην άκρη του μαξιλαριού
μας χάιδευε τους ώμους.

Το σ'αγαπώ στου μαχαιριού
τη λάμα ήταν γραμμένο
και με το αίμα ενός χεριού
στο στήθος χαραγμένο.
Le “je t’aime” que nous avons trouvé

Le “je t’aime” brodé
au bord du drap
et dans le chant du rossignol
était profondément caché

Nous l’avons trouvé premiers,
pour cela, nous nous le sommes partagés,
un Dieu nous l’a mis
sur les yeux et sur les lèvres

Le “je t’aime” voyageait
sur les chemins de la lune,
au bord de l’oreiller
il nous caressait les épaules

Le “je t’aime” était écrit
sur la lame du couteau
et avec le sang d’une main
gravé sur la poitrine.
Je n’ai pas cette chanson en mp3: vous devrez vous contenter des paroles et de quelques photos de la belle Δέσποινα…

Thursday, 3 September 2009

L’ape Maia

It looks like a beautiful flower indeed…
But be careful: Maya the bee might be not very far from there…
Or she might even be in the flower: don’t put your nose in it to smell its perfume… You might have a very bad surprise!

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Avvertimento mafioso

"Come siciliano, direi che si tratta di un avvertimento mafioso".

Domenico Mogavero, responsabile dei vescovi per le questioni giuridiche, riguardo all'attacco del Giornale, "quotidiano di famiglia di Berlusconi", contro il direttore dell'Avvenire.


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